251-550-1513 troyclemens@gmail.com

About Us

The name “Berean Bible Study” is taken from Acts 17:11. 

Berea was a town in Macedonia, to where the apostle Paul fled after being persecuted in Thessalonica for simply preaching the gospel.  But we read the reaction of the people in Berea was different: “These were more noble than those of Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”  Now this verse could be taken as a mission statement for Berean Bible Study, as our goal is simply to preach the truth of God’s word, trusting that the Lord will use His word to not only convict and save sinners, but to edify and sanctify those that are His.

The method He has prescribed for this is through faith in His word, and therefore we must be as the Bereans were: ready to search the scriptures daily, and see whether the things preached are according to God’s word. 

It is our prayer that people will do that daily and be drawn into a closer relationship and walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

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PO Box 964
Grand Bay, AL 36541